Monday, October 25, 2010

Design Day on Walnut Street

Please join us for Design Day on Walnut Street
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Historic Architect, Margaret Westfield, will be touring downtown Milford and providing recommendations for improvements to existing properties and facilitating a public presentation on Main Street Design principles.

Design Day is presented by

Downtown Milford, Inc. and Downtown Delaware

2:45 p.m. - 4:45 p.m.: Guided by the Downtown Milford, Inc. (DMI) program manager, Margaret Westfield shall provide an architectural tour of the Main Street designated area with members of the DMI program, city representatives and interested members of the general public. If you are interested in taking the tour, please meet at the Community Kiosk on S. Walnut Street.

The purpose of the tour is to look at the architectural features and overall characteristics of numerous existing properties and consider what types of physical improvements can be made (with reference to paint, signage, color, material, lighting, etc.) to better market the business and better compliment existing downtown architecture. Margaret Westfield shall provide verbal recommendations to describe improvements wherever desired.

7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.: Public presentation, with slides/visuals, on Main Street Design principles. Architect & Preservation Specialist Margaret Westfield will mention local examples wherever possible. If you are interested in attending the public presentation, it will be held in the Art Gallery of the newly renovated Riverwalk Center for the Arts building - 4 Park Avenue entrance.

About Margaret Westfield

Margaret Westfield, R.A. joined the Historic Preservation Office as the State Historic Architect in September 26th, 1998 and served in that capacity through April, 2000 where she provided technical advice for projects involving major architectural issues and regulatory reviews for the Investment Tax Credit Program.

Margaret Westfield, R.A. is a founding partner and historic architect with Westfield Architects & Preservation Consultants located in Haddon Heights, NJ. Since 1988, her firm has offered traditional full-scope architectural services paired with specialized historic preservation consulting. Emphasis is given to restoration, rehabilitation and preservation planning projects.

She also provides design services for Main Street New Jersey and has worked as a consultant on behalf of the National Trust for Historic Preservation and the National Main Street Center.

About Downtown Milford, Inc.
Downtown Milford, Inc. is a volunteer driven 501 (c)(3) non-profit community organization that promotes quality development of the traditional central business district of Milford, Delaware in order to preserve the area's rich historic heritage and bring new life and purpose to the downtown area. Downtown Milford, Inc. is an accredited National Main Street program. For more information on Downtown Milford, Inc., please visit or call (302) 839-1180. For more information on the National Main Street program, please visit

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